About My Biz Briefs

March 14, 2023

Whew, almost another 5 years!

October 24, 2018

Whew, 5 years ago I last visited and updated this site.

Yeah, that is way too long for one site to just sit around with dumb information, outdated links and no changes. It is time to fix that!

This site is one of a collection of sites, I thought I would use in 2013, to help clarify my business interests with an Internet audience.

That is still true in 2018, since the site concept is now brief descriptions about business activities and if you wish to comment on something you found, go write ahead!

I promise to be as brief as possible at this site and here is why!  I create and publish information on a number of web sites because it was too hard for me to publish everything I work on, on just one site.

For the sake of simplicity, I have further broken down specific areas of information. I publish the information to help people understand what I am doing for them, with my Internet business sites relative to their business on the Internet.

With Internet business or any business, you are either in or out and will or won’t do it!

My goal with this site, is just to briefly describe and provide some information about my business interests and activities.

Hopefully, the information I publish here may give you some ideas for overcoming your own ins and outs and wills and wont’s with your own business, especially if you are looking to develop a mindset to do business online.

Site is owned, operated and supported by Salvatore Zingale, a data processing consultant, doing business as SLZ and Associates since 1993.


=== About 1st Published October 24, 2013 ===

The concept is very simple. Brief descriptions about businesses for you to consider. If you have found something here and wish to comment, go write ahead! No guarantee it will be published though!